
Showing posts from April, 2019

Anti-nausea tablet, the name and side effects of pills in pregnancy

Anti-nausea drugs When you have nausea and vomiting, you need anti-nausea medicines. These medicines are divided into two general categories, and the first one affects your brain and nervous system, and the second one affects your digestive system. If a pregnant woman becomes nauseous, she should give her vitamin b6. These drugs are usually produced from cannabis. Common side effects of anti-nausea medicines are constipation and fatigue and dry mouth. One of the most important drugs and anti-nausea tablets can be metoclopramide pills and dummy body pills and demineral hydrate tablets and endonestrone tablets and pentoacetine. All kinds of anti-nausea tablets     Metoclopramide pills     Cisapride or Cisapride tablets     Demitron or Demitron tablets     Antacids     H2 receptor antagonists     Antihistamine drugs     McLean Hydrochloride     Diemen...